The following materials are available, upon request:
Season 1
- Episode 1 Script (Pilot): “The First Day” (*Excerpt below)
- Episode 2 Script: “Elaine Sheridan Peyton-Smith”
- Episode 3 Script: “Uh-oh, David”
- Episode 4 Blocking*: “The Movie Date” (**Excerpt below)
- Episode 5 Blocking*: “The Ex-girlfriends”
- Episode 6 Blocking*: “Sylvia’s Party”
- Summary of Events: Episodes 7-21
Season 2
- Summary of Events: Episodes 1-21 (***Excerpt below)
Season 3
- Summary of Events: Episodes 1-21
Season 4
- Summary of Events: Episodes 1-21
Season 5
- Summary of Events: Episodes 1-21
- Screenplay Script (****Excerpt below)
- Stage Play Script
NOTE: All scripts are written with the Final Draft 12 software. [The excerpts did not retain that formatting.] The blockings and the summaries of events are written in Microsoft Word.
In a studio awash with light from large windows, JACK GRANT and ELAINE PEYTON-SMITH sit at two concert grand pianos placed in the butterfly position.
They play the ending of the final movement of the original sonata for two pianos written by Jack.
Dressed in a colorful shirt and khakis, Jack, a Caucasian in his late 50s, is a professional pianist who writes and records music.
Jack’s protege, Elaine, a 23 year-old Hispanic-Caucasian, is an orphaned heiress whose guardian died when she was sixteen.
She wears bland clothing, no make-up, and her hair pulled back in a tight bun.
We’re getting close. Almost ready to record.
I love the music. I wish I could compose like you do.
Give yourself plenty of time to learn. I wasn’t very good at it when I was your age.
And that would be how many years ago?
Be nice. Let’s move on to your first solo. We’re on a time schedule here. Suzanne–
Did I hear my name?
SUZANNE GRANT walks into the studio, followed by STEPHI GRANT.
A Caucasian in her late 50s, Suzanne is Jack’s wife and the producer of the album and the charity benefit.
Stephi, age 24, is Jack and Suzanne’s youngest child and a junior in graphic design at Otterbein University.
Stephi also works with her mother on PR for the album and benefit performance.
Suzanne wears business attire while Stephi sports jeans and a colorful flannel shirt.
Jack turns around to greet his wife and daughter.
That you did.
He walks over to Suzanne and kisses her.
We need a few minutes of your time. Everything is on schedule for the recording session to start in two weeks.
We just finished the sonata. We’ll be ready with that.
And the other music?
Still need practice. Both of us.
We’re on a tight time frame.
We know.
Elaine, Stephi has the paperwork for you to fill out and sign.
With the paperwork in her hand, Stephi walks over to Elaine.
As promised, here are the release forms and the recording schedule.
Rising, Elaine takes them from Stephi.
Thanks, Stephi.
As she glances over the paperwork, she turns to Suzanne.
Charles wants to look them over.
Of course he does. I’ll need them before the recording sessions start.
I have a list of shots I want to get of you and Dad.
Let’s talk about your wardrobe.
That’s my signal to go to the office. Elaine, I made some passes for you last night. Do you want them?
Yes, I would like them.
Turning to go to his office, Jack looks back at the women.
Have fun!
Event A: Ed brings a wrapped painting from Patrick Gordon to give to Tess.
Location: Foundation Office
Time: Wednesday morning
Characters: Tess, David, and Ed
Notes: The painting is Mike’s gift to Charles. Mike will be at a conference during Charles’s birthday party.
Event B: Zach plays the first draft of the complete album for the band.
Location: Recording Studio
Time: Early Wednesday afternoon
Characters: Zach and the band members
Notes: The band is mostly satisfied with the results, but they want to make a few tweaks.
Event C: David and Elaine work on the annual reports.
Location: Foundation Office
Time: Late Wednesday afternoon
Characters: Elaine, David, and Ed
Notes: Ed sticks around and explains some things to Elaine and David.
Event D: David and Elaine talk about getting Becky and Zach together again.
Location: Foundation Office
Time: Later
Characters: Elaine and David
Notes: Ed has left for the day, so Elaine and David talk about arranging a group movie date.
Event E: David talks to Zach about the group movie date.
Location: Recording Studio
Time: Wednesday early evening
Characters: David and Zach
Notes: Zach agrees to the date. He tells David that he hasn’t had time to talk with Becky, other than a few texts now and then.
Event F: Elaine talks to Becky about the group movie date.
Location: Tess’s kitchen
Time: Wednesday after dinner
Characters: Elaine and Becky
Notes: Elaine and Becky clean up the kitchen after dinner. They talk about going shopping for material next Wednesday because Elaine won’t be recording that afternoon and Becky has a little comp time to use. Then they talk about the group movie date, and Becky thinks it’s a wonderful idea. They also talk about the photo shoot on Friday.
Abby, Tess, Ed, Zach, Becky, Elaine and David have the first board meeting for Elaine’s foundation, where they talk about hiring Chris and Patrick Gordon to work with them.
Tess, Kate, and Robbie come for dinner at Elaine and David’s condo. Abby gets to know them better; she and Kate talk about Kate possibly illustrating one of the children’s stories Abby has written. Abby also makes Robbie promise to get together when he comes to Logan County for his clinical rotation.
Chris and Nathan talk about Nathan’s possible NASA co-op experience. Chris brushes off Nathan’s concerns about Chris being alone and tells Nathan that he (Chris) is a big boy and can take care of himself. Nathan leaves to go to Abby and Stephi’s cottage while Chris heads for his workshop.
Nathan helps Abby and Stephi move in and remarks on the many boxes Stephi has and the few boxes Abby has. The three talk about having a home, and Stephi says she wants to make the cottage home while they are there. Abby says she’s never really had a home because her family has moved so often and she has traveled so much. Nathan says he and his dad live in the house his dad grew up in, but after his parents divorced, his dad didn’t replace anything his mom took with her. Nathan says the house is home but not very homey.
Ed and Mark (with Mark’s dog, Drake) show up while Nathan is still at Abby and Stephi’s. Mark and Ed carry in some groceries and pizza boxes. Ed’s matchmaking efforts become evident, especially when he suggests they all go to the high school street fair together. When Ed asks Abby if she and Stephi have set a schedule for working on the website, Abby says that they’ll work when Stephi isn’t doing her online coursework. Abby adds that she is also working on investments while Stephi is busy with schoolwork. Ed suggests that Nathan’s dad—the area’s stock market whiz-kid—help her. Nathan agrees with Ed, and Abby takes offense because she doesn’t think she needs any help. After Ed leaves, Stephi, Abby, Mark, and Nathan agree to go to the street fair.
Later, as Abby reads in the seating area, Stephi comes in with a few dolls in her arms. Stephi asks Abby if she (Abby) minds if Stephi puts the dolls on the bookshelf. Abby says, of course, she doesn’t mind. After placing all but one Filipino doll on the shelving, Stephi holds it up and asks Abby if she remembers giving it to Stephi as a birthday gift. When Abby says she does remember, Stephi adds that she was ten and Abby was sixteen. Stephi tells Abby that she (Abby) was her (Stephi’s) hero. Abby responds that she always admired Stephi’s doll collection.
Ed introduces Abby and Chris at The coffee shop Coffee Shop, an introduction that doesn’t go well. When Chris comments about Abby’s newspaper (The Wall Street Journal), she gets snappy with him. Ed explains that Chris is the accountant Elaine is considering hiring for the foundation, and Abby tells Chris that she (Abby) is on the board. Abby adds that she might hire him, and Chris responds that he might work for her.
After Ed tells Chris and Abby to be nice as he (Ed) leaves, Abby explains that Ed doesn’t take her seriously regarding investments. Chris asks her some questions about those investments, and they have a short discussion. When Chris suggests that they should get together and compare notes, Abby grins. Then, Megan Forrester shows up and stirs the pot by emphasizing Abby’s youth.
At the billiard table, Benedick fiddles around with a cue stick and the balls as he sings “THE BACHELOR SONG.”
(singing softly)
Bachelors we are/ One for all/ All for one …
As he looks up, a bemused Claudio enters the room.
Benedick lays the cue down and taps his watch.
You’re late. Why?
Some of the staff needed help, so I stayed.
Sighing, Benedick hands Claudio a cue stick, racks the balls, and picks up his cue stick.
Always ready to lend a hand, aren’t you?
Claudio lines his shot up and then stands upright.
What do you think of Hero?
Leon’s daughter, Hero.
Benedick indicates the judgment of “so-so.”
I think she’s beautiful.
Not nearly as beautiful as her cousin, if Beatrice would smile.
Benedick looks intently at Claudio.
Wait a minute! You’re interested in Hero?
She’s a sweetheart like I’ve never met before.
Seriously. In fact, she may be Ms. Right.
Benedick begins to pace and to sing “The Bachelor Song.”
What is this?/ Will I ever see a bachelor reach sixty … fifty … forty … even thirty again?
Come on now, Hero?
She’s a jewel.
She’s too short … too dark … her hair. I do not like her.
Whatever happened to Bachelors we are,/ one for all,/ and all for one.
Peter walks into the room.
Dedicated to having fun./ Dedicated to being single./ Not giving in to the lure of a woman.
And, what has you in such a frenzy, Sir Benedick?
Claudio here. Cupid has hit his heart with a blasted arrow. Claudio’s in love … with Hero, Leon’s daughter.
Well done, Claudio. She seems worthy.
Peter shakes Claudio’s hand and turns towards Benedick.
I understand your frenzy now. Nothing more for you to do, but to find your own love.
Benedick sputters.
Me … love a woman? Never!
He briefly walks away from the other two, turns back towards them, and continues singing “The Bachelor Song.”
That a woman gave birth to me/ I thank her./ That she raised me/ I thank her.
He walks back to them.
I won’t do women wrong by mistrusting them./ But, I will do myself right by not trusting any./ I will remain a bachelor.
Peter and Claudio laugh.
Whatever happened to Bachelors we are,/ one for all,/ and all for one.
As Benedick ends with a flourish, Peter and Claudio laugh and clap.